Professor and Chair of Department of Psychology
Areas of research and teaching
Women’s Mental and Brain Health; Neurobiology of Maternal Behavior, Psychopharmacology of Antipsychotic Drugs, Animal Models of Schizophrenia, Anxiety and Depression, Co-morbidity of Substance Use and Schizophrenia
Ph.D. 2002 (Psychology), University of Toronto;
M.S. 1996 (Psychology), Beijing University;
B.S. 1991 (Psychology), Beijing University.
Behavioral Neuroscience (Undergraduate level)
Cognitive Science: Basics and Applications (Graduate level)
Books/book chapters
Aya Dudin, Patrick McGowan, Ruiyong Wu, Alison S. Fleming, and Ming Li* (March, 2019): Psychobiology of Maternal Behavior in Nonhuman Mammals, Handbook of Parenting (Vol 2. 2019)
Fleming, A, and Li, M (2002) Psychobiology of maternal behavior in non-human mammals. Handbook of Parenting (second edition, eds. Marc H. Bornstein), Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002.
Li, M and Spaulding, W (edited) The Neuropsychopathology of Schizophrenia: Molecules, Brain Systems, Motivation, and Cognition, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
Peer-reviewed manuscripts
Li, M*. (2024). Is melanin-concentrating hormone in the medial preoptic area a signal for the decline of maternal care in late postpartum? Front Neuroendocrinol, 75, 101155. doi: 10.1016/j.yfrne.2024.101155
Wu, R., Chou, S., Li, M*., 2024. Continuous oral olanzapine or clozapine treatment initiated in adolescence has differential short- and long-term impacts on antipsychotic sensitivity than those initiated in adulthood. Eur J Pharmacol 972, 176567.
Chou, S., Wu, R., & Li, M*. (2023). Long-term impacts of prenatal maternal immune activation and postnatal maternal separation on maternal behavior in adult female rats: Relevance to postpartum mental disorders. Behav Brain Res, 461, 114831.
Li, M*. (2023). The medial prefrontal regulation of maternal behavior across postpartum: A triadic model. Psychol Rev, 130(4), 873-895.
Li, M*. 2022. Lateral habenula neurocircuits mediate the maternal disruptive effect of maternal stress: A hypothesis, Zoological Research 43, 166-175.
Chou, S., Davis, C., Li, M*., 2021. Maternal immune activation and repeated maternal separation alter offspring conditioned avoidance response learning and antipsychotic response in male rats. Behav Brain Res 403, 113145
Li, M* (2020). Psychological and Neurobiological Mechanisms Underlying the Decline of Maternal Behavior. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2020.06.009.