ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2237-8851
Liuna Geng is a Professor at Nanjing University in China. She received her PhD in Psychology from Beijing Normal University, China, in 2004 and served as a visiting scholar at Harvard University in 2008-2009 academic year. Her research consistently centers on the nexus of social psychology, environmental issues, and sociology. Specifically, she investigates the influence of cognitive, affective, and social processes on environmental behaviors and explores strategies to promote sustainable actions.Her research ranges across environmental topics, from climate change, to the Links of human-nature relationships, to low-carbon consumption, to energy conservation, and green travel, among others. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, Dr. Geng collaborates with scholars from diverse fields. Furthermore, she actively engages with policymakers in the environmental sector, bring insights from behavioral science into their work.Dr. Geng’s research has been published in a variety of quality journals surrounding environmental psychology and social psychology, such as Journal of Environmental Psychology, Environment and Behavior, Sustainable Development, Journal of Environmental Management, Social Indicators research,Energy Policy.etc. Currently,Dr. Geng is the associate editor of the Journal of Environmental Psychology. She is also a member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, as well as a member of the Editorial Committee of “Psychological:Technology & Applications”[in Chinese]
School of Social and Behavior Sciences
310 Heren Hall
Nanjing University
168 Xinlin Street
Qixia District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210046, China.
Office Phone: +86-25-89680958-310
E-mail: gengliuna@nju.edu.cn
Professional Affiliations:
Chinese Association of Social Psychology(elected Vice President of Division for
Ecological and Environment, 2018-2026;elected President of Division for Young scholars of social psychology, 2014-2022) , DeputySecretary-general(2014-2016),elected to Fellow in 2018.
Chinese Association of psychology, member since 2001
Chinese Association of Sociology(elected Vice President of Division for Social Psychology in 2022), member since 2018.
Jiangsu Society of Social Psychology, China.(elected President of Division forYoung scholars of social psychology, 2018-) member since 2014, elected to Fellow in 2014, elected to Vice President in 2019.
Jiangsu Society of Psychology, China. member since 2011, elected to Fellow in 2011.
Senior Research Fellow, Zijin Think Tank, Jiangsu, China 2016-2022
Editorial Activities:
Associate Editor, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 2023-
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 2020-
Editorial Board Member, Psychology:Techniques & Applications(in Chinese), 2016-
Executive editor, Social Psychology Research [2015(4)]
Ad-hoc Reviewer
National Social Science Foundation; Ministry of Education Foundation; Key research base of Ministry of Education; National Post-doctor Foundation; National Doctor thesis; National Master thesis; Journal of Environmental Psychology, Environment and Behavior, Energy Policy, Journal of Environment Management, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Environmental Education Research, Contemporary Educational Psychology , Journal of Consumer Behavior, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Journal of Cleaner Production,Sustainable Development.
Selected Grants and Awards
Principal Investigator. (2018-2022). Social emotions and risk warning caused by haze. National Social Science Foundation.Award number: 18BSH22
Principal Investigator.(2011-2016).Study on the stigma of AIDS among drug abusers. National Social Science Foundation, Award number: 11CSH045
Principal Investigator.(2010-2013). Network public opinion: implicit and explicit aspect. Ministry of Education Foundation, Award number:10YJCXLX009
Principal Investigator.(2016-2017). The willingness of enterprises to meet the emission standards and its influencing factors. Environmental planning institute of Ministry of environmental protection, Award number:2017A097
Principal Investigator.(2015-2016). Systematic and coordinated analysis for the public intuitive perceptions and environmental protection goals & tasks. Environmental planning institute of Ministry of environmental protection, Award number:2015A112
Principal Investigator.(2015-2019). Social mentality in the transition era: take environmental social mentality as an example. Key research base of philosophy and social science of Jiangsu universities (sub-project). Award number:2015JDXM003
Principal Investigator.(2023-2024).Research on Climate Change Action from the Perspective of Environmental Risk. The Foundation of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education.Award number:SJZT202310
Principal Investigator.(2020-2023). Social governance of environmental risks. Liberal Arts youth interdisciplinary team project of Nanjing University. Awardnumber:010914370122
International Peer-reviewed Journal Articles (Selection)
(Note: “*” denotes the corresponding author)
Dong, X. & Geng,L.*(2023) Nature deficit and mental health among adolescents: A perspectives of conservation of resources theory. Journal ofEnvironmental Psychology,87, 101995. https://doi.org/10. 1016/j.jenvp.2023.101995
Wang, C., Geng, L.* & Rodríguez Casallas, J. D. (2022) Mindfulness to Climate
Change Inaction: The Role of Awe, “Dragons of Inaction” Psychological
Barriers and Nature Connectedness. Journal ofEnvironmental Psychology, 84, 101912. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2022.101912
Dong, X. Geng, L. *& Rodríguez Casallas, J. D. (2022): How is cognitive reappraisal related to adolescents'willingness to act on mitigating climate change? Themediating role of climate change risk perception and believed usefulness of actions, Environmental Education Research.
Dong, X. & Geng, L.* (2022)The role of mindfulness and meaning in life inadolescents ’ dispositional awe and life satisfaction: the broaden-and-build theory perspective.Current Psychology.
Wang, C.& Geng, L.*& Rodríguez Casallas, J. D. (2023).The Role of Nature-Deficit Disorder in the Associations between Mobile Phone Overuse and Well-Being and Mindfulness. Current Psychology.
Yang, X. & Geng, L.*(2022) An Integrated Analysis of Social, Economic, and Environmental Indicators ’ Effects on Public Health and Health Inequality Globally: From the Perspective of Vulnerability. Social Indicators Research, 162, 1261- 1279. https://doi.org/10. 1007/s11205-022-02877-x
Wang, C.& Geng, L.*, Rodríguez Casallas, J. D. (2021).How and when higher climate change risk perception promotes less climate change inaction. Journal of cleaner production, 321, 128952. https://doi.org/10. 1016/j.jclepro.2021.128952
Yang, X., Geng, L.* & Zhou, K. (2021).The construction and examination of social vulnerability and its effects on PM2.5 globally: combining spatial econometric modeling and geographically weighted regression. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(21),26732-26746. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-12508-6
Rodríguez-Casallas, J. D., Luo, W. & Geng, L*.(2020) Measuring Environmental Concern Through International Surveys: A Study of Cross-Cultural Equivalence with Item Response Theory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Journal of environmental Psychology, 71, 101494. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2020.101494.
Wu, Z., Geng, L.* (2020). Traveling in haze: How air pollution inhibits tourists' pro-environmental behavioral intentions, Science of the Total Environment, 707(10), 1– 11. https://doi.org/10. 1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135569.
Yang, X., Geng, L.* & Zhou, K. (2020). Environmental pollution, income growth, and subjective well-being: regional and individual evidence from China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 34211–34222.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-020-09678-0
Wu, Z. Chen, Y., Geng, L.* Zhou, L. & Zhou K. (2020). Greening in nostalgia? How nostalgic travelling enhances tourists ’ pro-environmental behaviour. Sustainable Development,28,634-645. https://doi.org/10. 1002/sd.2014
Geng, L.*, Chen, Y., Ye, L. Zhou, K. & Chen, Y. (2019). How to predict future pro-environmental intention? The spillover effect of electricity-saving behavior under environmental and monetary framing. Journal of cleaner production, 233, 1029- 1037. https://doi.org/10. 1016/j.jclepro.2019.06.088
Geng, L. *, Wu, Z., Zhang, S. & Zhou, K. (2019). The end effect in air pollution: The role of perceived difference. Journal of Environmental Management, 232, 413–420. https://doi.org/10. 1016/j.jenvman.2018.11.056
Liu,T., Geng, L. *, Ye, L. & Zhou, K. (2019). “Mother Nature” enhances connectedness to nature and pro-environmental behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 61, 37–45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2018.12.003
Wang. J., Geng, L.*, Schultz, P. W. & Zhou, K . (2019). Mindfulness Increases the Belief in Climate Change: The Mediating Role of Connectedness with Nature. Environment & Behavior, 51, 3–23. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013916517738036
Geng, L*. Liu, T., Zhou, K. & Yang, G. (2018). Can power affect environmental risk attitude toward nuclear energy. Energy Policy, 113,87–93. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2017.10.051
Tang, Y., Geng, L.*, Schultz, P. W*. Zhou, K. & Xiang P. (2017). The Effects of Mindful Learning on Pro-environmental Behavior: A Self-expansion Perspective. Consciousness and Cognition, 51, 140– 148. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.concog.2017.03.005
Jiang, T., Geng, L.*, Tang, Y. & Ye, L. (2016). The implicit sociometer effect and the moderating role of relational self-construal. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 57, 601–606. https://doi.org/10. 1111/sjop.12330
Wang, X., Geng, L.*,Zhou, K., Ye,L., Ma, Y. & Zhang, S. (2016). Mindful learningcan promote connectedness to nature: Implicit and explicit evidence. Consciousness and Cognition, 44, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.concog.2016.06.006
Wang, X., Geng, L.*, Qin, J. & Yao. S. (2016). The potential relationship between spicy taste and risk seeking. Judgement and Decision Making, 11, 547–553.
Geng, L.*, Cheng, X., Tang, Z., Zhou, K., & Ye, L. (2016). Can Previous Pro-Environmental Behaviours Influence Subsequent Environmental Behaviours? The Licensing Effect of Pro-Environmental Behaviours. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 10 , 1–9. https://doi.org/10. 1017/prp.2016.6
Geng, L.*, Xiang, P., Yang, J. Shen, H. & Sang, Z. (2016). Association between hair cortisol concentration and perceived stress in female methamphetamine addicts. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 91, 82–86. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychores.2016.10.011
Geng, L.*, Zhang, L., & Zhang, D.(2011) Improving spatial abilities through mindfulness: Effects on the mental rotation task. Consciousness and Cognition, 2, 801–806. https://doi.org/10. 1016/j.concog.2011.02.004
Selected Invited and Keynote Addresses:
Chinese Society of Social Psychology.(2023).The First China Social psychology
Construction Summit Forum. Keynote Speaker.Social psychology Research
Path of Harmonious Coexistence between Human and
Nature.Guangzhou,Guangdong, PRC.
Frontier Forum of Social Psychology(2023). Keynote Speaker, Perception and Response to Heat Waves, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, PRC.
Southwest University. (2022). Invited colloquium, Personality and Social Psychology Lecture Series. Dealing with Climate Change with "Heart ". Chongqing, PRC.
Central University of Finance and Economics. (2022). Department of Psychology,
Invited colloquium.Looking at psychology and society through haze. Beijing, PRC.
China Forestry University. (2022). Department of Psychology, Invited
colloquium.Perception and Action on Global Warming. Beijing, PRC
Chinese Social Society.(2021).Social Psychology Division. Keynote Speaker.Social psychology Research Path of Climate Change. Tianjing, PRC.
International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (2019).
Organizing Committee Member, Workshop Co-Chair and invited speaker.
Workshop title:environmental attitude; Invited talk title:Air pollution inhibits tourists’ pro-environmental behavior: the role of anxiety and tourism nostalgia, Nanjing, PRC.
The 11th Cross Strait Psychologist Academic conference(2019).Organizing Committee Member, Forum chair and invited speaker. Forum title:New Era and China Environmental Issues.Invited talk title:mindful and pro-environment, Nanjing, PRC.
Chinese Society of Social Psychology.(2019). Ecological and Environmental
Psychology Forum. Invited Address.Social psychology Research Path of Climate Change. Changchun, Jilin, PRC.
Hohai University (2018). Department of Psychology, Invited colloquium.Separation of attitudes and behaviors towards environmental protection. Nanjing, PRC
Chinese Society of Social Psychology.(2018). Ecological and Environmental
Psychology Forum Co-chair and Invited Address. Forum title:New Era and China Environmental Issues. Invited talk title:More Air Pollution is preferred to less? The Perceived Difference Matters, Kunming, Yunnan, PRC.
Teaching interests:
Health, Environment, and Society; Methods for Social Investigation; Introductory Psychology; Research Methods in Psychology; Experimental Psychology; Health Psychology; Human Resources, etc.